Tuition and Fees
Tuition charges are based on the number of credit hours and the college of enrollment. Charges are billed by semester. Senior Citizen Discount is 50% off published tuition rate (age 65+)
Questions regarding an individual student's tuition and fees should be directed to the Student Accounting Office at 313-993-1420.
You can also find tuition, fees, charges, policies, timetables, and payment plan information in the current undergraduate catalog and graduate catalog.
The rates are as follows:
2024-25 Tuition and Fees
2024-25 Undergraduate Tuition (U.S. and International)
Architecture, Engineering Enrollment Cost* Per credit, 1-11 credit hours $1,322 For U.S., Canada and Mexico Citizens, 12-18 credit hours (flat rate per term) (1) $17,060 Each credit hour over 18 $1,137 For International Citizens, 12-18 credit hours (flat rate per term) $25,347
Per credit, 1-11 credit hours and each credit hour over 18 $1,666 Business Administration, Dental Hygiene (non-clinical), Health Professions, Humanities Arts & Social Sciences, Nursing, Science, University College Enrollment Cost* Per credit, 1-11 credit hours $1,234 For U.S., Canada and Mexico Citizens, 12-18 credit hours (flat rate per term) (1) $16,473 Each credit hour over 18 $1,098 For International Citizens, 12-18 credit hours (flat rate per term) $24,213 Per credit, 1-11 credit hours and each credit hour over 18 $1,585 (1) Includes all full-time undergraduate students who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents enrolled at the McNichols Campus for the 2024-2025 academic year. This does not include international students and those enrolled at satellite campuses or in special, already discounted programs, such as those offered at Macomb Community College, Wayne County Community College District or McNichols programs that are already discounted.
For undergraduate students enrolled as online students in these programs
Online Programs in Economics and Financial Economics Enrollment Cost* Per credit hour (1-11 credit hours) $648 For U.S., Canada and Mexico Citizens, 12-18 credit hours (flat rate per term) (1) $16,473 Each credit hour over 18 $1,098 For International Citizens, 12-18 credit hours (flat rate per term) $24,213 Per credit, 1-11 credit hours and each credit hour over 18 $1,585 (1) Includes all full-time undergraduate students who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents enrolled at the McNichols Campus for the 2024-2025 academic year. This does not include international students and those enrolled at satellite campuses or in special, already discounted programs, such as those offered at Macomb Community College, Wayne County Community College District or McNichols programs that are already discounted.
2024-25 Graduate Tuition (U.S. and International)
Addiction Counseling, Clinical Mental Health Counseling, School Counseling
Per Credit / Flat Rate Cost HSA, Addiction Counseling, Clinical Mental Health Counseling(1), School Counseling (1), Nursing per credit hour $959 (1) Not eligible for tuition discounts
Per Credit / Flat Rate Cost U.S., Canada and Mexico Citizens per credit hour, 1-11 credit hours $1,441 U.S., Canada and Mexico Citizens 12-18 credit hours (flat rate per term) $18,597 Each credit hour over 18 $1,441 International Citizens per credit hour, 1-11 credit hours and over 18 credit hours $1,891 International Citizens per credit hour 12-18 credit hours (flat rate per term) $27,628 Business Administration
Per Credit / Flat Rate Cost U.S., Canada and Mexico Citizens (1) per credit hour $902 International Citizens (1) per credit hour $1,803 (1) Not eligible for tuition discounts
Community Development
Per Credit / Flat Rate Cost Community Development(1) per credit hour $902 (1) Not eligible for tuition discounts
Per Credit / Flat Rate Cost U.S., Canada, and Mexico Citizens (1) per credit hour $918 International Citizens (1) per credit hour $1,891 (1) Not eligible for tuition discounts
Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences
Per Credit / Flat Rate Cost Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences per credit hour $1,857 Nursing, Health Service Administration
Per Credit / Flat Rate Cost HSA, Addiction Counseling, Clinical Mental Health Counseling(1), School Counseling (1), Nursing per credit hour $959 (1) Not eligible for tuition discounts
Nurse Anesthesiology
Per Term Cost Flat rate per term (year one 3 terms) $9,017 Flat rate per term (years two and three) $13,708 Physician Assistant
Per Credit / Flat Rate Cost Per credit hour (1-4 credit hours) $1,835 Track I Full-time flat rate (5+ credit hours) $18,803 Track II Part-time flat rate (5+ credit hours) $12,518 Online Programs
For students enrolled in completely online graduate degree programs:
Per Credit hour Cost Graduate Program in Economics and Financial Economics $972 MS in Cybersecurity Management and MS in Information Technology $972 MS in Cybercrime $972 Vehicle Cyber Engineering $972 Applied Data Analytics $972 Other Sites: As announced
Off-campus & Special Programs Tuition
Macomb University Center Enrollment Cost* Health Services Administration (per credit, 1-11 credit hours) $959
For U.S., Canada and Mexico Citizens, 12-18 credit hours (flat rate per term) (1) $16,473 Each credit hour over 18 $1,098 For International Citizens, 12-18 credit hours (flat rate per term) $24,213 Per credit, 1-11 credit hours and each credit hour over 18 $1,585 (1) Includes all full-time undergraduate students who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents enrolled at the McNichols Campus for the 2024-2025 academic year. This does not include international students and those enrolled at satellite campuses or in special, already discounted programs, such as those offered at Macomb Community College, Wayne County Community College District or McNichols programs that are already discounted.
American Language and Culture Program
Following are the 2024-2025 tuition rates (independent of discounts) for the American Language and Culture Program classes offered at Detroit Mercy: Classes Cost* ALCP 1010 and 5101 $7,648 ALCP 2020/5202 $3,276 ALCP 2011/5011, ALCP2012/5012 and ALCP 2013/5013 $1,092 per module or $3,276 for all three at same time ALCP 3150 and 5315 $1,092 In addition, a one-time orientation fee of $100 is charged to new international students to fund recreational and educational activities sponsored by International Services. Study Abroad Enrollment Cost *Study Abroad Varies by program
Housing, Meal Plans, Miscellaneous Fees
Housing and Food*
Room and Board Rates* Hall Cost*
per term
(double/single)Shiple Hall (Freshman only) - includes meal plan option (1), (2), or (3)
East, North, South Quads - includes meal plan option (1), (2), or (3)
Holden Hall - includes meal plan option (1), (2), or (3)
West Quad — meal plan optional
All resident students, except West Quad residents are required to take a board plan. Single occupancy is subject to availability. All other rates for special or guest housing are subject to negotiation with the director of Residence Life.
2024-2025 Meal Plans
Meal plans are available for commuter students, please contact Dining Services for additional information.
(1) Block 225/$175 Flex
(2) Block 190/$300 Flex
(3) Block 120/$500 FlexGeneral and Miscellaneous Fees
General and Miscellaneous Fee Schedule Fee Cost* Late Payment Fee $200 Late Registration Fee $200 Total Withdrawal Fee $500 Student Orientation Fee (SOAR) $300 Transcripts (per copy) $10 and up pending service (Express Postal Delivery starts at $20) Duplicate Diploma or Certificate Fee $35-$50 Cooperative Training Tuition Alternating $1,226 per assignment Cooperative Training Tuition Parallel $692 per assignment Co-op Portfolio Evaluation Fee $250 per credit I.D. Card Replacement $25 English Proficiency Testing Fee (Non-Detroit Mercy Students) $25 Application for Graduation (degree) Fee regardless of participation in annual ceremony (does not include cap & gown fees)
$95 Application for Certificate Fee (no participation in annual commencement) $30
2023-24 Undergraduate Tuition & Fees
Here’s a breakdown of costs per term, item by item, depending on your chosen program:
Architecture, Engineering Per Credit Cost Per credit, 1-11 credit hours $1,296 12-18 credit hours (flat rate per term) U.S., Canada, Mexico $16,725 Each credit hour over 18, U.S., Canada, Mexico $1,115 Business Administration, Dental Hygiene (non-clinical), Health Professions, Liberal Arts & Education, Nursing, Science, University College Per Credit Cost Per credit, 1-11 credit hours $1,210 12-18 credit hours (flat rate per term) $16,150 Each credit hour over 18 $1,076 Nursing PT-BSN enrolled prior to Fall 2021 Per Credit / Flat Rate Cost Nursing PT-BSN (Applies to those enrolled prior to Fall 2021) 1-4 credit hours, per credit $1,210 5-11 credit hours, flat rate $7,000
Residency Fees
Tuition and fee rates Residence Hall Double/Single Shiple Hall (Freshmen only) – includes meal plan option (1), (2), or (3) $5,112 / $7,541 East, North, South Quads – includes meal plan option (1), (2), or (3) $5,222 / $7,669 Holden Hall – includes meal plan option (1), (2), or (3) $5,050 / $7,478 West Quad – excludes meal plan $3,835 / $6,137 Meal Plans
(1) Block 225/$175 flex
(2) Block 190/$300 flex
(3) Block 120/$500 flexCo-op Tuition
Co-op Tuition (per assignment) Co-op options Cost Co-op Training Tuition Parallel $678 Co-op Training Tuition Alternating $1,202 Fees
General Fees Fees Cost Late Payment Fee $200 Late Registration Fee $200 -
2023-24 Graduate Tuition & Fees
Here’s a breakdown of costs per term, item by item, depending on your chosen program:
Architecture Options Cost U.S., Canada, Mexico Per credit hour, 1-11 credit hours $1,413 12-18 credit hours (flat-rate per term) $18,232 Each credit hour over 18 $1,413 Business Administration** Option Cost U.S., Canada, Mexico per credit hour $884 Community Development per credit hour** Option Cost per credit hour $884 Addiction Counseling, Health Services Administration, Clinical Mental Health Counseling** Option Cost per credit hour $940 Engineering** Options Cost U.S., Canada, Mexico per credit hour $900 Liberal Arts & Education, Science Option Cost Per credit hour $1,821 On-site Applied Data Analytics Graduate Program** Option Cost U.S., Canada, Mexico (per credit hour) $953 School of Law Options Cost U.S. JD, per credit hour $1,553 U.S./Canadian Dual JD Program (flat-rate per term) $13,360 Nursing Option Cost per credit hour $940 Nurse Anesthesiology Option Cost Flat rate per term (year one 3 terms) $8,840 Flat rate per term (years two and three) $13,439 Physician Assistant Options Cost Per credit hour (1-4 credit hours) $1,799 Track 1 Full-time flat rate (5+ credit hours) $18,434 Track 2 Part-time flat rate (5+ credit hours) $12,273
Co-op Tuition (per assignment) Options Cost Co-op Training Tuition Parallel $652 Co-op Training Tuition Alternating $1,156 General Fees Fees Cost Late Payment Fee $200 Late Registration Fee $200
**Not eligible for tuition discounts
2023-24 Off-campus, On-line, & Special Programs Tuition & Fees
For additional tuition information on specific off-campus programs, please speak with your academic advisor or a financial aid counselor. Rates listed are discounted rates unless otherwise specified.
Macomb University Center: Undergraduate Cost Health Services Administration per credit, hour (1-11 credits) $941 12-18 credits U.S., Canada, Mexico (flat rate per term) $16,150 Each credit over 18 $1,076 12-18 credits International (flat rate per term) $23,738 International Each credit over 18 $1,554 Social Work Transfer Students from Wayne County Community College District Undergraduate Cost Select Courses: per credit, 1-11 credit hours $1,076 Online Programs in Economics and Financial Economics (for students enrolled as online students in these programs) Cost Undergraduate (per credit, 1-11 credit hours) $635 Undergraduate - U.S., Canada, Mexico 12-18 credits (flat rate per term) $16,150 Undergraduate - Each credit over 18 $1,076 Undergraduate- International 12-18 credits (flat rate per term) $23,738 Undergraduate - International Each credit over 18 $1,554 Graduate (per credit hour) $953 Online CIS Graduate Programs in Software Management and Information Assurance and Cybercrime (for students enrolled in a completely online degree program) Cost per credit hour $953
Online Applied Data Analytics Graduate Program (for students enrolled in complete online degree program) Cost per credit hour $953 Bachelor of Social Work FAST Program For students beginning in the FAST Program in Summer 2023 Cost per credit hour $610 American Language & Culture Program (per course) Cost ALCP 3150, 5315 $1,071 ALCP 2020/5202 $3,213 ALCP 2011/5011, 2012/5012, 2013/5013 Per Module $1,071 All three at same time $3,213 ALCP 1010, 5101 $7.498 -
2023-24 International Students Undergraduate Tuition & Fees
Here’s a breakdown of costs per term, item by item, depending on your chosen program:
Architecture, Engineering Credit Hours Cost 12-18 credit hours (flat rate per term) $24,850 Each credit hour over 18 $1,633 Business Administration, Dental Hygiene (non-clinical), Health Professions, Liberal Arts & Education, Science, Software Engineering Nursing,University College, Credit Hours Cost 12-18 credit hours (flat rate per term) $23,738 Each credit hour over 18 $1,554 Other: General Fees Cost Late Payment Fee $200 Late Registration Fee $200 -
2023-24 International Students Graduate Tuition & Fees
Here’s a breakdown of costs per term, item by item, depending on your chosen program:
Architecture Options Cost 12-18 credit hours (flat rate per term) $27,086 Per credit hour $1,854 Business Administration** Options Cost Per credit hour $1,768 Engineering** Options Cost Per credit hour $1,854 HSA, Addiction Counseling, Clinical Mental Health Counseling** Options Cost Per credit hour $940 Nursing** Options Cost Per credit hour $940 Nurse Anesthesiology Options Cost Flat rate per term (First year 3 terms) $8,840 Flat rate per term (years two and three) $13.439 Physician Assistant Options Cost Per credit hour (1-4 credit hours) $1,799 Track 1 Full-time flat rate (5+ credit hours) $18,434 Track 2 Part-time flat rate (5+ credit hours) $12,273 Liberal Arts & Education, Science, Options Cost Per credit hour $1,821
Other: General Fees Cost Late Payment Fee $200 Late Registration Fee $200 ** Not eligible for tuition discounts